Navigating the Struggles of Working Remotely as a Handful

Working from home as a couple can be a joy, but it is n’t always. The benefits of remote work, such as no soul-crushing commute, no coworkers stealing your lunch from the fridge, and the ability to spend time together in the same room while still getting work done, can turn into major relationship stressors if couples do n’t take proper care of it.

There are a variety of various techniques for people to overcome the difficulties of working remotely. Articles published by Business Insider, Detroit Free Press, Well and Good, Virtual Vocations, and others recommend that couples set and respect schedules, taking regular breaks from each other to prevent getting on each other’s nerves, share household chores, connect openly and calmly, and create time for intimate moments.

Communication is the most crucial component of any successful relationship, and this is especially important when both partners are working together. If you and your partner are both telecommuting, having healthy communication about your work schedules and how each of you can plan for overlapping tasks like meetings or conferences is important.

Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain personal disagreements outside of work hours because fighting over money or chores can impair your ability to focus at the office. It’s best not to let any personal issues interfere with your focus because you and your partner owe it to yourself and to the success of your business to be fully engaged while at work.

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